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VISIA Complexion Analysis

VISIA Complexion Analysis

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VISIA Complexion AnalysisRevolutionising Skin Care Consultations.

VISIA Complexion Analysis involves taking a highly magnified digital picture of your sign. The images capture details on the depth of wrinkles, skin tone, pigmentation, sun damage, pore size, suborn levels, and irregularities in skin texture, VISIA also examines porphyrins – telltale signs of bacteria that lodges in pores, often leading to ache. VISIA comprehensive skin analysis allows us to compare your skin with others of similar ethnicity, gender and age. This comparison helps our facialist in creating an individualized skin treatment plan.

With patented comparison analysis using the world's largest skin feature database to give you an accurate grading for your skin, relative to your age and skin type.

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VISIA Complexion Analysis


VISIA’s capture module rotates around you to capture left, right and frontal facial views. The surface of your skin is measured, skin type identified and skin conditions analysed, all in one quick, automated series of flashes. 

TruSkin Age® assesses your skin's overall condition and age. We can provide you with a personalised guide to rejuvination. A selection of skin care products and treatment options to make sure you are using the most appropriate and effective formulas will be recommended to you following analysis of your personal report.

RBX® Technology separates the unique colour signatures of red and brown skin components for visualisation of conditions such as spider veins, hyperpigmentation, rosacre, and acne. UV photography provides data for sun damage assessment and analysis, including UV flourescence imaging to reveal porphyrins. Aging simulation can help you decide on products to most benefit your anti-aging treatment.


We will help you tailor your regular skin treatments to upgrade and accelerate results and as part of your essential skin health programme
. We can easily repeat the scan periodically to measure the results of your improvement treatments! 

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